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Training to find a Job

09/2023 - Barcelona

Finding a job can turn out to be a challenge. In order to succeed, it is of vital importance to count with professional help and to rehearse for a future job interview.

Last November, 14 students from our business course in Barcelona developed their skills and competences with 8 volunteers from the company HP, who gave them the opportunity to practise everything they had learnt during the course.

Express interviews

Whistle call. Exchange of chairs. A few minutes for the interviewer and the interviewed. Next. This activity took place in the library El Carmel, where a session of express interviews was organised. The activity allows to simulate real situations during a job interview. The speed of this exercise allows to train all the skills acquired during the course, detecting their strengths, learning to defend their answers and attitude on the basis of their CV. All of this through personal interviews with the volunteers from HP who cooperated with us.

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The activity finished with the evaluation of the interviews. The student’s group was diverse, since it included 19 women and a man from nine different nationalities and aged between 18 and 50. All of them are in active job search. The general profile is composed by people with limited work experience and a few educational opportunities, so the activity turns out to be really beneficial and useful in order to face this new step into their professional future.

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We are grateful to the volunteers who participated in this activity and made it possible.
If you are working in a company and you want to cooperate in a similar activity, do not hesitate to reach us at 902367665.