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Path to a Job: International workshop on young employment

09/2023 - Araba

Sharing experiences to boost youth employment
Youth and Employment Conference in Vitoria: an event with answers for young people


Every processes arrives to a moment of closure and meditation about the learnings obteined. This was the case for the end of the Erasmus+ project "Path to a Job", which Fundación Adsis has led in Álava (Spain) with other international partners: Fundazione Mondo Digitale (Italy), Centro de Conocimiento Vinalab (Spain) and Friday People (England).


On November the 9th we celebrated in Vitoria-Gasteiz an act to present an overview and conclusions about the project, in which the organizations exchanged knowledge and good practices on training processes and employment promotion for young people in vulnerable situations.


The event was held at the Villa Suso Palace and included a discussion table on the current situation of youth employment in Spain. The participants were the Delegate Councilor of the Department of Employment and Sustainable Economic Development of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, the director of Fundación Vital, a representative of the company Sidenor, a young participant in a training process with Adsis and the director of Fundación Adsis Álava.


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"Working life is very difficult, you have to be prepared and it is not just having a degree but having desire, motivation and know how to work in a team. We now have the preparation thanks to the teachers who accompany us" said Abdul, a former student of the foundation.


"We have to offer guidance to young people and create links between companies and the education system, we have to train in cross-disciplinary skills, not only in technical skills", explained Annaleda Mazzucato, Project Manager at Mondo Digitale Foundation.


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The closing of the event was in the hands of the Delegate Councilor of Euskera, Youth and Rural Area, Iñaki Prusilla, who addressed a message to young people. "Any effort that you make now is key and, when you are older, you will understand how it have been worth it," he advised.


In addition to the event, the exhibition "Inequality for Opportunity" was showed in the Palace. It was a photographic exhibition prepared by Fundación Adsis thanks to the collaboration of the photographer Lucho Rengifo and the illustrator Esther Labeaga, made on the occasion of the 50 year anniversary of Adsis.


Fundación Adsis worked on the european project Path to a Job for two years. We are pround and happy of the great results that have been obtained through the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of youth labor insertion.